Friday, September 22, 2023

ArcaOS 5.1 ? new release by Arca Noae.


Arca Noae has the release of 5.1. I have read of it having support for UEFI. The store where one can buy ArcaOS; the support and maintenance version,  the personal edition version, the commercial edition version. They still have 5.0 available. 

ArcaOS (Blue Lion) is an updated version of the OS/2 Warp operating system by IBM. I have been using the previous version and it works but not on the newer laptop. I am hoping that this newer version with support for UEFI will allow me to install it on it. 

I am glad there are ways to install it via the USB port and USB flash drive. With so many newer laptops and computers not coming with an optical drive, it would be difficult to install it unless one has an USB optical drive (which I have since my HP laptop doesn't have one - something I remember on older laptops and wish the newer ones still have). It seems even the newer laptops have fewer USB ports. I am glad there are ways to expand the number of USB ports with attachments (some not expensive). 

The previous release and post release of OS/2 Warp is eComStation. It does not seem to be developed anymore but there website is still up. 

OS/2 Warp was developed by IBM. There is still support for it online at OS/2 World. I had used this version many years ago. It was really good. I thought of it as an alternative to Windows (especially since - at the time - IIRC - 3.1 ran on top of DOS and seemed to have crashed a lot [from my experience]). 


2023 / 09 / 22

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