My Nook Is In Trouble?
My brother came across a Barnes and Noble Nook e-book reader. It was left behind. My brother was told to clear out the office and he took it home. I got it since he knew I like e-book readers.
It had a touch screen and buttons to use. There were two buttons on each side; upper one for turning to the previous page and a lower one to turn to the next page. I think the newer Nook doesn't have these pages. The nook I have does. It used a micro USB port to charge the battery. I believe it has an E-Ink screen; which means the battery lasts longer. It was small but not too small where one couldn't read the words. It was nice but it was worn.
There was some trouble with it at first. I wasn't able to clear the previous owner from it and I couldn't get it to connect to my WIFI. I download the updated software, transferred it to the device using my computer and an USB cable. When I unplugged the device from my computer and started it again, the update was installed. I was then able to clear the previous owner from it and install my own information (account information that I had created for it). I was able to download books to it. I had quite a few e-books on it. I was beginning to see why the previous owner left it behind. It was not easy to use. It was starting to have problems.
Fortunately, Barnes and Noble has a Nook app that I was able to download to my tablet computer. Unfortunately, my tablet was going bonkers, not working properly. It would jump pages when I would only turn one page. There were other programs that didn't work well on the tablet compute too.
I was able to download the Nooks app onto my phone. I entered the e-mail address and password. I was able to download the e-books that was on the e-book reader. The screen on my phone is better and brighter than the one on the Nook e-book reader.
2023 / 09 / 23
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