Wednesday, September 13, 2023

ArcaOS 5.1 released by Arca Noae ?

 There is an updated version of the ArcaOS by Arca Noae. Since IBM isn't developing OS/2 Warp anymore, I am glad someone is. It is nice to have alternatives to Windows or Apple (they are out there, one just has to look). 

Here is the link to the Arca Noae products

I am looing forward to using it. It has some updates so it can be used on newer computers (one of which is UEFI support). I have used 5.0.7 and it works really well but not on my laptop that is newer (sort of tried it but I made the ISO installation CD incorrectly so I don't if it was that or a lack of UEFI support). One doesn't have to use a CD since I think there is support to having it installed using an USB flash drive (checking that out - very few computes have an optical drive - especially laptops). 

I miss having an optical drive. It is not just for installing software but also for playing movies and listening to music. Streaming to either isn't always possible. I guess I am just old fashioned that way. Perhaps there is no nerd like an old nerd? (is it no geek like an old geek?). 

It is an updated version of OS/2 Warp - Wikipedia. ArcaOS is - IIRC - the third updated version of the operating system by IBM. I believe the second one was eComStation. I don't believe that eCS still being developed (the site indicates a eCS 2?). 

I also read of the 5.1 being released from the OS/2 Warp World site. 


2023 / 09 /13 

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